Friday, February 28, 2025

Reasons to Look at the Night Sky

I saw Reasons to Look at the Night Sky by Danielle Daniel on a list of new books and so got it from the library. The book description says, "Luna has always loved the night sky. She's an eleven-year-old who knows everything there is to know about space, and dreams of one day becoming an astronaut. The first step in her plan to get there is to ace the space unit in her science class and secure a spot in NASA's summer space camp. But when Luna's teacher is unexpectedly replaced with a substitute, Ms. Manitowabi, who is looking to shake up science class by bringing in art, Luna's carefully laid plans are crushed. And that's not all that's shifting in Luna's life — changes at home and in her friendships have her feeling topsy-turvy. What on Planet Earth is happening?"

I thought this was a sweet read. It didn't particularly engage me, but I thought Luna would be a relatable character for kids as she encountered friendship issues, unexpected twists to things she was looking forward to, navigating school, etc. There was just a lot for middle grade kids to relate to. I also liked the tie-in to the Native American star stories and found that interesting. And the book cover is really beautiful! I feel like this book was kinda in between liked and it was okay, but it didn't quite make the cut to 2 stars.

Rating: * (1/3 = It was okay)

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