I saw
Safe Harbor by Padma Venkatraman on a new book list and got it from the library since I really liked the author's book
The Bridge Home. This book description says, "When Geetha and her mom move from India to Rhode Island after her parents’ divorce, they leave everything Geetha loves behind—her family, her friends, her dog, and all that’s familiar. As if that’s not hard enough, Geetha is bullied at her new school for her clothes, her food, and her English (who knew so many English words could be spelled or pronounced differently in the US—or just be altogether different!). She finds some solace in playing her flute and writing poetry, and even more when she meets Miguel, a kid with whom she has a lot in common, and the two of them help rescue an injured harp seal stranded on the beach. But Geetha can feel her anger building over lots of things—careless people who pollute the sea and hurt animals, and her mom for making her move. She’s never been so sad and angry. She can see a lot of her fears mirrored in the injured seal when she visits it at the Marine Mammal Rehabilitation Center, and this broadens her understanding of survival skills. And when she and Miguel start a beach-clean-up venture, she’s surprised to find how many kind kids are out there. Geetha is torn as the time comes to let the seal go, knowing she’ll miss him, but wanting the best for him. She’s learning to live with mixed feelings and accept that while there will always be rough waters, there are plenty of safe harbors too."
This was a great read. It was super short (and written in verse), and I pretty much finished it in one sitting. I loved the characters of Geetha and Miguel and just felt like the book had just lots of little plot things that progressed nicely alongside the story of the seal. I think this would be a relatable book for kids in lots of ways (bullying, moving, caring about the environment, etc.). Good book.
* * (2/3 = Liked it)