Sunday, July 14, 2024


I came across Alone by Megan Freeman after reading a social media book about a companion book that is coming out soon, and I so got this on Kindle. The book says, "When twelve-year-old Maddie hatches a scheme for a secret sleepover with her two best friends, she ends up waking up to a nightmare. She’s alone—left behind in a town that has been mysteriously evacuated and abandoned. With no one to rely on, no power, and no working phone lines or internet access, Maddie slowly learns to survive on her own. Her only companions are a Rottweiler named George and all the books she can read. After a rough start, Maddie learns to trust her own ingenuity and invents clever ways to survive in a place that has been deserted and forgotten. As months pass, she escapes natural disasters, looters, and wild animals. But Maddie’s most formidable enemy is the crushing loneliness she faces every day. Can Maddie’s stubborn will to survive carry her through the most frightening experience of her life?"

This was a unique read due to the storyline being so different (a modern-day type Hatchet book is how it's described in reviews). I got through the book super fast read since it was written in verse, and the story was engaging and interesting. I liked Maddie as a character and following the choices she made. The ending left a lot of unanswered questions as to why the evacuation even happened, but it sounds like that's something that is addressed in the companion book, so I'll probably read that too.

Rating: * * (2/3 = Liked it)

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